Claim Form

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Latent Defect Insurance


If you believe there is a structural defect issue with your home and you believe it’s covered with your Build Warranty Policy, please contact us on 0203 (0) 9665409 to discuss your issue and we will guide you through the claim process. 

1. Want to Start a Claim

Please check the Insurance Provider on your certificate of Insurance and policy document to ensure cover has been provided by Build Warranty.

2. What is not Covered?

The below list outlines some key areas and items not included in your cover. A full list of exclusions is available in the Policy wording: 

- External landscaping, gardens, paved areas, and their features. 

- Snagging issues, which are purely cosmetic such as minor blemishes, change in colour, chips and scratches to fittings and do not impair the structural stability or weather tightness of the Home. 

- Assistance in financial disputes and contractual issues. 

- Any alteration, modification or addition to the Home after the issue of the Certificate of Insurance for which the Underwriter is not aware. 

- Any loss due to a lack of maintenance of the Home or normal wear and tear or improper use of the Home. 

- Anything the Policyholder knew about prior to purchasing the Home. 

- Economic loss of any description including costs arising from inconvenience or distress, loss of enjoyment, loss of use, reduction in value of the Property Insured, loss of income or business opportunity. Unless expressly provided for in your Warranty. 

- Loss or damage caused by or consequent upon the following: 

  • fire; 
  • lightning; 
  • explosion; 
  • typhoon, hurricane, cyclone; 
  • volcanic eruption; 
  • earthquake; 
  • storm, tempest; 
  • flood; 
  • subterranean fire or other convulsion of nature; 
  • aircraft or other aerial devices or articles there from; 
  • escapes of water from tanks, apparatus or pipes; 
  • malicious persons; 
  • theft, attempted theft impact; 
  • any accidental cause. 

3. Limitations of cover  

As with most insurance policies, Build Warranty provides cover for specified risks. Certain conditions and exclusions may apply. Please read your policy wording and certificate to be aware of these before continuing with a claim. 

4. Typical Policy Excesses 

Please note any applicable Excess will be subject to indexation and apply for each separate cause of loss or damage. 

- Defect Insurance Period            Minimum of £100

- Structural Insurance Period      Minimum of £1,000

- Common Parts                            Minimum of £5,000 or £10,000 subject to COI

Please see your Certificate of Insurance for the correct Excess applicable to your Policy: 

- Any claim amount over the Financial Limit for each applicable section of cover, as detailed in your Policy wording. 

- Any claim prior to the Policy start date or after the Policy expiry date, as defined in your Certificate of Insurance. 

- Any claim which falls outside the terms and conditions of the Policy or which is specifically excluded by the Policy.

5. What are your obligations? 

You must ensure that: 

- All Policy conditions have been adhered to. 

- Any claims are reported in line with the requirements outlined in the Policy wording. 

- The Home is adequately maintained and that all reasonable steps are taken to minimise loss or damage.

- The Underwriter will not be responsible for costs that result from your unreasonable delays or your failure to take reasonable steps to prevent loss or damage.

- Notified and/or exhaust cover more suitably applicable to your issue from any other insurances, guarantees or warranties. 

6. The first 2 years of your New Home Warranty 

If you are within the first 2 years of your New Home Warranty and have issues relating to the pre sales service or post sales service of your Developer which you are not insured for under your Warranty, please contact us and we will arrange for a Consumer Code for New Homes pack to be provided to you. 

Latent Defects Claim Form
Contact details
Policy details

Please continue onto the additional sheet if necessary. 

Additional information if necessary:


Post:  FAO: Claims Department, Build Warranty Insurance Services Ltd, 7-8 Delta Bank Road, Metro Riverside Park, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear. NE11 9DJ.

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